These weeks seem to run together and continue over and over. The job can be stressful and there are disconnects. It doesn't NEED to be stressful, though.
Started feeling dizzy yesterday so I went to check my BP. Got a misread, but didn't want to wait, so I hopped in a cab and went to the hospital down the street. Cost me 50AED (like 15 bucks) with my medical insurance card to be seen.
Indian ENT doc said my BP is 133/66. Normal. Started looking at my eyes and tells me I have vertigo. Wonderful. Vertigo brought on by lack of sleep and stress. At least I wasn't having heart problems. They did blood work, so I follow up today. So I skipped the workout for the day. Gonna lift and run today in the evening.
Finally got my Emirates ID card a few days ago and going to get my drivers license tomorrow in Dubai, so at least I get away for a while.
So the weekend has been a wash. So much for the promise of waves and surfing. I'm not going to buy a board and strap on to our Tiita and drive an hour just to surf. Of course, I'd have to drive three in Texas to hit the coast.
If I played rugby, I'd have an in to fun. If I was one of the cool guys, I'd be hanging out with other people. I'm neither, but I'm becoming OK with that. Not complaining, just reality. Makes for long weekends and days.
Perhaps I'll get to the coast and make some friends, who knows? Time will tell. I have gotten good at Halo again.
Christmas is coming and they love it here. It's so commercialized it fits right into the lifestyle of shopping for useless shit.
That's all for now.